The TNA Connection
Sustainable Community Agriculture
Tennessee Nature Academy founders, Jay Renfro and Sarah Savage are neighbors to Blue Hole Farm. At our first meeting, we hatched out this innovative plan to host the TNA pumpkin patch and an end of season Harvest Festival. It has changed the course of our lives! Click the TNA logo to learn more about this incredible school!

Blue Hole Farm is a locally owned business that focuses on small market farmer gardening, community outreach and school education programs, and watershed conservation and restoration. We have 7 creek side acres amidst dense urban housing and are committed to keeping the land green!
In the past year, we have collaborated with the Tennessee Nature Academy to foster a
3 acre pumpkin patch which achieved the following goals
Teaching youth valuable farm, garden, life, and collaboration skills
Community outreach for sustainable urban farming practices
Community outreach and fundraising for the Tennessee Nature Academy
We sponsor and participate in events created by the Mill Creek Watershed Association, which seeks to clean and preserve our local watershed resources and provide community access to clean watersheds for education and enjoyment. We have both participated and sponsored creek cleanups.
We are active with the Cane Ridge Community Center, a group that strives to keep its community aware of the ever increasing pressure to develop farmland and open spaces areas, as well as provide a common ground for meeting neighbors.
We are currently sponsoring an internship for a local high school student whose career path is heading towards veterinary services. She is writing a report using her research at Blue Hole Farm for a paper for the Congress of Future Medical Professionals, a 10 week scientific research writing coarse.

Increased school age and adult education in gardening and animal husbandry (caring for poultry and goats)
Local farmer's market CSA and market stand
Nighttime films at the farm where families can picnic and watch movies on the big screen amongst the pumpkins
Promotion of a safe walking trail to connect three local neighborhoods to a local park and several schools
Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program grants to encourage woodland ephemerals and riparian habitat of flora that will encourage facilitative species of fauna